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全球最大成人网站Pornhub 公布2017年全站数据分析

作者:微社区  时间:2019/7/22 17:25:05 热度:1947

公元 2018 年 1 月 9 日,全球最大成人网站 Pornhub 公布其全站 2017 年部分数据,并制作出可视化信息图一张供全球访客浏览,当中一些有趣的数据源,大侠列举一二,在遵守「互联网行业道德底线」的前提下,编撰本图文,仅供参考,详实数据请参考 Pornhub。

文末有原版福利,61 张信息图完美收录。

- Pornbub 全年访客(Unique Visitor)285 亿

- Pornhub 日均独立访客 8100 万

- Pornhub 全年用户上传视频总量为 405 万+

- Pornhub 全年上传视频共计 3732 PB

- Pornhub 全年视频总量足够装满世界上运行的所有 iPhone 手机

- Pornhub 全年视频获赞 120 亿次

Pornhub 此次公开的部分数据可谓是详实具体,又符合人性化需求,有「男明星」「女明星」2017 排行榜,全年排位上升下降统计。

在拍照国家地区访客属性排名时,大侠注意到,除了欧美发达国家以外,印度、墨西哥、菲律宾、阿根廷、南非均挤进前 20 名。这还不是「最惊人」的一项比对。我们都知道,对于一个网站而言,除了 UV 、PV 、跳出率、关键词排名、收录总量、外链数量等核心数据以外,更重要的是「页面停留时长」,这一项,来自东南亚的菲律宾一举夺魁,该国以 13 分钟 28 秒排名第一。

纵观 Pornhub 全站访客高峰时段,晚间 22 点至凌晨,周日最火爆。相信在 Pornhub 官方统计各项数据横比的时候,一定会选出最新引人眼球的几组,优先展示给世人:2017 年女性用户数量普遍提升,此群体搜索最多的关键词是「成人明星」,再横着看下,按照年龄划分,25 - 34 岁为「核心用户」占比 32 %。

还有很多有意思的数据分析,Pornhub 倒是很贴心,都做成可视化信息图了,大侠在这里就不一一上传了,原文内容请移步 Taguage App 或 Taguage 官网(taguage.com)注册账号,将@ASO工具师鞋国王子 添加为外脑,即可查看。41000 个字符,微信公众平台的编辑器完全放不下哟...

如有疑问,请申请加入 Taguage 精英群,审核后进群召唤「王大侠」。

Welcome to Pornhub’s 5th annual Year in Review, the best place to discover and reflect on what we’ve collectively been searching for and how we’ve been viewing porn in 2017. After our colossal 2016 recap, we are back at it again, with new numbers and updated graphs, displaying how the last year’s highs and lows played out on Pornhub.

Once again, we did a lot of hosting this year, catering to some 28.5 billion visitors, which turns out to be an average of 81 million people per day! With 24.7 billion searches performed on the site this year, there was clearly a lot to find, as this translates to about 50,000 searches per minute and 800 searches per second. This is also incidentally the same number of hamburgers that McDonalds sells every second, which has nothing to do with us but somehow makes the numbers easier to digest?

Our users and content partners uploaded over 4 million videos in 2017, including 810,000 amateur videos. That’s more videos than the number of people who visit the Great Wall of China each year. In total, 595,482 hours of video were uploaded, which is 68 YEARS of porn if watched continuously. To put that number into perspective, in 1949 (68 years ago) the world’s first commercially available computer was released. If you somehow managed to log into Pornhub on your new Ferranti Mark 1, you would still be watching new videos from 2017 today.

While we are on the topic of mind-bending stats, a total of 3,732 Petabytes of data was streamed in 2017, which makes for 7,101 GB per minutes and 118 GB per second. That is enough data to fill the storage of all of the world’s iPhones currently in use. In fact, every 5 minutes Pornhub transmits more data than the entire contents of the New York Public library’s 50 million books.

Over the course of 2017 there were 120 million video votes on Pornhub of which nearly 80% were positive. That’s a million votes more than we cast in the last U.S. Presidential election.

2017 also marked Pornhub’s 10th Anniversary, at which time we released a full decade worth of Pornhub’s top data and trends here on the Insights blog.


The numbers are showing that people are more interested than ever before in ‘Porn for Women’, making this the top trending search throughout the year, increasing by over 1400%. Regardless of how you define porn for women, it feels good to be spreading…the good word.

“2017 seems to have been the year where women have come forward to express their desires more openly” notes Dr. Laurie Betito, sx therapist and director of the Pornhub Sxual Wellness Center. “From the “Me too” movement to prominent females the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nikki Haley on the world stage, women are feeling more empowered and they have found their voice. This is a sign of things to come.”

Rick and Morty porn parodies also blasted off this year, and the passing fascination with Fidget Spinners caused a big spike in porn searches (and some very creative amateur videos). Lots of people discovered ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) porn this year, too and liked what they heard. We also saw major increases in the popularity of Hentai (nsfw) around the world, and fans of cheerleaders caused a massive boost in these searches as well.

Pornhub 2017 年年度数据报告完整版,以及报告中全部 61 张可视化信息图,有研究需求的瓜子,请在 Taguage 里找王大侠,新瓜子请按照楼上数据获取方法,按需所取。



